Welcome to Controller FX!

If you don't know a thing about trading or are just starting to embark on your exciting trading journey: welcome. There are 1000’s of ways to trade forex. This free beginner course is designed to teach you all the basics you need to get an understanding of Forex and learn the fundamentals of price action trading from our team here at ControllerFX. We worked really hard to put this together for you. Our aim with this free course is designed to give you everything you NEED to know about trading Forex without the information overload you’d get if you were to just search around the internet. By the end of this free course, you’ll have a full understanding of our trading strategy, and have even placed your own first trades!
-The knowledge you are about to learn in this course has been gatekept for a very long time, either through paid books, courses, or seminars. Maybe even Wall St themselves. But from our family to yours, here is our gift to the trading world, may the profits be with you - Don Vo.